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Dear Mile High Astronomy Customers, We have exciting news to share with you! To better serve your needs and provide an enhanced shopping experience, we are doubling the size of our showroom from 1400 sqft to a spacious 2800 sqft! We are fortunate to be able to expand in place by integrating a neighboring vacant space. Even though we are growing, we will be in the same location. Our showroom will be closed for construction for approximately two weeks from Sunday, July 14th to Wednesday, July 31st. During this time, we will still have curbside pickup and regular order shipping. We...

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Going into the pandemic last March, I didn't know what to expect for this business. This past year has been full of challenges both personally and for the store. Our showroom has remained closed for the past 14 months, and will stay closed a while longer, as we work on our expansion! After the initial slowdown last March, we have seen interest in amateur astronomy grow significantly. Stargazing is definitely a hobby you can do while social distancing, and we have seen a lot of new people jump into the hobby and discover (or rediscover) a passion. 2020 turned out to...

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We have had many requests to reopen the store to customer visits. Unfortunately we will remain closed for the remainder of the year and into 2021.

While many other retailers are reopening, we are choosing to take a research-based, safety-first approach. Based on what the available research is telling us, with our particular space and typical customer visits, we cannot safely operate in store shopping. I thought it was worth taking the time to outline why, after consideration and analysis, we have come to the conclusion that we cannot conduct in store shopping safely.

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We have been incredibly saddened and hurt by the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Manuel Ellis, and so many others. These events have brought to light once again the sad reality of racism in this country. We fully support #BlackLivesMatter and the protests across this nation and the world. We’ve also been saddened by the experiences of Christian Cooper and so many other people of color who have experienced racial profiling and harassment while trying to enjoy the experiences of the outdoors that so many of us take for granted. Astronomy falls into this same category today of predominantly white...

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STEAMFest Event Mar 7-8 We will be hosting a booth at Boulder STEAM Fest March 7th and 8th. This is a great family event with lots of science based interactive activities for all ages. Stop by our booth along the south wall of the main exhibit hall, and build your own constellation projector!   Sales and Deals March kicks off a few new sales, including the Advanced VX telescopes from Celestron, and a sale on Meade wide angle eyepieces.   Tariff Impacts Trade war tariffs are hitting in a big way now. Prices are going up on most accessories, and...

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